The potential is huge. Almost every day some university or laboratory announces that they have developed some new technology that would increase solar panel effectiveness by another 3%, or 5% or 20% or more.  However, it is usually prohibitively expensive or will not be available for several years. 

Pure-Light has a tested, proven and patented technology that will be available in just a few months nationwide. Pure-Light and Total Solar are currently looking for companies to partner with in order to market, distribute, and apply the Solar Boost treatment. Whether residential, small fields, or large commercial MW fields,  Solar Boost™ can make a huge difference. 

MARKET POTANTIAL:  There are an estimated 130 million solar panels installed in 4.2 million residential homes in the US, with an estimated commercial solar fields of over 500 million panels, all of which could be treated with Solar Boost. Some estimates are as high as 1+ billion solar panels in the US. The annual growth, or "CAGR" is approximately 30% which means the US is adding around another 100 million solar panels every year. ( 35 Latest Solar Power Statistics, Charts & Data [2024] (

The resulting "Boost" in electricity by applying Solar Boost to these panels could possibly be as much as adding an additional 100 million solar panels with minimal cost.  

Solar Boost Solar Panel Enhancement Coating was developed through a collaborative effort by Total Solar Technologies (TST) and Pure-Light Technologies (PLT).  A previous proprietary version of the coating was marketed and sold by TST for several years, now the coating has been enhanced and patented by PLT. The Coating will be marketed by both Pure-Light and Total Solar but will be applied and sold exclusively via Total Solar Technologies.

The coating improves the electrical output of solar panels from 10%-30% depending upon the location of the panels and the environmental situation, increasing profitability $$ for the Solar Panel operator.

 Four Reasons Why the World Needs SOLAR BOOST™:

  1. First,  SOLAR BOOST™ increases the receptivity of the solar panel so that it absorbs more photons, increasing the electrical output of the panel from 5% to 10%.
  2. Second, at the same time SOLAR BOOST™ eliminates static electricity on the surface of the solar panel.  Static Electricity is what attracts dirt, oil, and pollution particles to surfaces, holding them there, and over time reducing the light reaching the solar cells. With SOLAR BOOST™, the panels stay cleaner longer, resulting in as much as a 30% increase in electrical output. 
  3. Third, SOLAR BOOST™ helps reduce or eliminate the need for expensive washing and cleaning of the solar panels, again reducing time and maintenance costs associated with solar panel operation. Less washing also means less waste of precious water resources…in drought areas this could be critical.  The SOLAR BOOST™ treatment makes the panel a self-cleaning hydrophilic panel.  
  4.  Fourth, SOLAR BOOST™ helps protect the surface of the solar panel, preventing degradation and increasing it's useful life span. 

An Independent Engineering field study completed in Southern California  demonstrated a 18%+ increase in electrical output over a 5-month period of time between treated solar panels and non-treated solar panels. 

A longer period of time would indicate that the energy output would continue to increase compared to solar panels not treated because the untreated panels would continue to accumulate more dirt and grime on them.  Continuing the same level of increase over a 12 period of time, the energy increase would be over 30%.


Pure-Light and Total Solar are expecting to start marketing Solar Boost immediately after the current Crowdfunding effort is completed.  They are already in initial discussions with several large solar companies representing millions of installed solar panels.