
Important: Pure-Light products are not intended to treat or cure any disease. 


To 10,000+ Satisfied Users

We started with a $1,000,000+ air purification system used in the International Space Station and a dream to make it BETTER, LAST LONGER, EASIER TO USE, and AFFORDABLE.  It wasn't easy... but, WE DID IT!!

Our customers include businesses, homes, daycare centers, assisted living facilities, medical facilities, government buildings, schools...and the list keeps growing Daily. 







A thank you from the mama of the multiple world champion Sugar Ray Leonard...

Pure-Light has helped purify the Salsa Grill and made employees/customers happier.


Customer Testimonials

 Moldy in Hawaii

"I am sensitive for the EMF and the energy, and Ilive in the remote area, I lived in the yurt, and now live in the off grid with solar energy, it's very easy to get moldy in hawaii...Yes, your product has been keeping mold and dumpy smell away. I feel may space is clean when I use your bulbs. Thank you so much!"

-Mayumi ( from Maui rain forest 🌿🌴🌱 )

March 20, 2022


These Things Really Work

"The guy who sold me...He said, "No, these things really work, it's so exciting to come across something that really works'. He went to Lowes and got a mold kit...all kind of junk was growing. Then he puts the light in the room, he keeps it on for 24 hours maybe... he gets another test kit and he does the same procedure exactly, sets it aside for 10 days to let it grow and nothing grew! He had pictures of every step of the way to prove it worked!"


"I just leave mine on by my bed.. I have a plant in my room for oxygen... I put this bulb in...and the plant does look better! When I walked into the room that day, I could tell it smelled different than it usually does... There is no smell of mold... I do feel like, I do believe it is making the room purer to breathe..."



"We have bunk houses where the college students stay, they are older units, there was mold underneath the floors there. He took a bunch of these and put them on and just kept them burning underneath there, 24/7, and he said they have no problem with it, ever, anymore, ever since he started doing that."

-San C November 1, 2021


Musky Free Basement

"You know, that first bulb I put in my basement is still going strong - and it's on 24/7 since Feb 2018. The only time it has been turned off is when a service man (plumber/furnace-ac guy) comes to do service on our equipment and they automatically just turn off the light. Now I have to stay there while they work to make sure they don't just turn it off. It has helped clear my basement of musty smell. I am so grateful for these bulbs."

-Carolyn S. October 12, 2021


Big Difference with Allergies

"I have used Pure-Lights bulbs in my bedroom for 2 months now. I have had allergies and I have noticed a big difference in breathing easier since I have used them. I would recommend them highly. I plan on getting more to use in my other rooms."

-Georgia S, October 2021


Daycare Results

"The Pure-Light lights have been in my Daycare facility for 21 months. During that time, NONE of the children or staff have had to go home because they caught COVID-19, any other viruses or colds"

-R Woods, 2021

Easy to use

"Just a note from the city. Your pure light 4 foot T8s worked wonderfully. Simple plug and play in our newer fixtures."

-Mayor George J. December 3rd, 2020

Air Pollution Decrease

"I love the product in the fact that the pollution in the air we tested in the last 3 months has gone from about 4,000 Co2 level to right under 900 Co2 level in my basement with our air monitor."

-Jared K. December 7th, 2020

Cigarette Smell

"My office is next to my boss's office and he is a chain smoker. Even though I have air purifiers in my office it still smells like cigarette smoke all of the time. In desperation I replaced the bulbs in my office with the Pure-Light bulbs. Now, when I come into my office in the morning it smells like stale cigarette smoke. After turning them on about an hour or so, the smell is gone. God bless you. I am trying to get permission to start leaving the lights on in my office all night so that even in the morning it smells clean." 

- R. Laird, Tennessee

Pure-Light Personal Testing

"You know, this is really fun to listen to these calls. I see all of the different experiments that people are having. So, I have done my homework, I put this to the test. I have tested the smelly shoes and the smelly clothes after work-outs, it works! I’ve tested it on moldy tomatoes and it works! That was actually Bevonne that tested that one. The smoke inside the house, Bevonne heard the story about the guy who burnt the pizza. She comes upstairs, burns the potatoes, she goes, ‘they are already gone’. So, she turns up the stove, burns them the rest of the way, pulls the lid off, smoke goes away. I come home and look at the burnt potatoes and go, ‘someone burnt the potatoes?’ She said, ‘Yeah! That’s exciting because you can’t smell anything!’ It’s done the same thing with allergies… a lot of sagebrush… after three days it was all gone… Plants, we got these funeral plants… after three days they perk right up… I recommend this, I can’t see any reason why anyone would turn this down. Just for the quality of air is one thing… My niece goes into where they have a bunch of these going on… the feeling…full spectrum lighting…It will get rid of depression and the winter blues."

December 28, 2017

Oxygen Level Boost

"Just a follow up story on the three people I gave two light bulbs to for the smoke here in Spokane. The older 90-year-old couple, they have oxygen throughout their house. Over the last week,  she had stopped sneezing, where she keeps sneezing every time she enters her upstairs bedroom. She didn't sneeze at all this week! She was amazed! Also, she monitors his oxygen levels. He had an increase of almost 20% over the usual increase that he has. So, say he had 90/100, he was getting 98/100 saturation rate in his oxygen level. So, she was sold just because of those two items."

-Justin, Washington
August 28, 2018



Never ending sneeze
"Note on using Pure-Light. I have two. One in my bedroom and one in my office. I have noticed two distinct differences. I don't wake up with a stuffy nose that leads to a sneezing that seems to never end. Now for the past 4-5 months I have been smelling smoke when there is none. Just this morning I notice I wasn't smelling smoke. What a relief. Thanks."

-Richard U
August 3, 2020

Cow Manure

"We have little baby calves, when we put the calves out there, we let them burn (lights), night and day, it helps the ammonia smell, it really does work! Oh yes it works! Ill tell you a true fact, we didn't have them (lights) out there a few years ago in winter and summer, the manure would burn your eyes, it was strong and it really stunk like manure. Now, when we haul the manure in there, very little odor, I bet people with hog barns, that would even help with that smell."

-A. Schmucker, IN

Lethal Cat Litter Box

"I have a cat, whose… is absolutely lethal because I feed him really well…I have to say since I have those light bulbs in, I have two in the living room…I have not noticed when he has *used the cat litter box* and he knows it too…"

-Dr. Valerie January 18, 2018



Sunflower Growth

“I’ve had a lot of different things that I like about the bulbs that has happened. One that I wanted to share tonight, I grow microgreens and I have two bulbs in there…I planted my sunflower seeds at a normal time… Normally they grow to about 4 inches and that’s when you cut and eat them… They are like at 7 inches now, they are growing so fast… compared to the last batch I had before the lights…”

-Nancy January 18,2018



Incontinence Odors

“One has breathing issues and she has odors in her house from her incontinence issues. They could tell just having one light in the bathroom, eliminated all of those odors. They were sold!”

-August 28, 2018



Dehydrating Onions

“I got my bulbs on Thursday…I am a raw foodie. I have a dehydrator and I had been dehydrating…marinated onion rings which, the after math of that lingered in my home for days. I thought. ‘great, I will get the bulbs and I’ll try it, see if I could do a smell test, the ultimate smell test’… During the dehydrating process it is pretty intense, the smell, even with the bulbs, there was still smell…It was amazing, it was a teeny, teeny bit but, I realized I didn’t have time to wash my dehydrator trays so there was a little of that around but all really 99.9% was gone within that 8 hours…It was really nice. In addition, just the color of the light and the feeling of it is lovely.”

-Dena January 9, 2018



Permanent Wave Solution

“I was wanting to do my own test, to prove it to myself. I am a hair dresser by trade, for 50 years… I have a dear friend…I gave her a perm…at 1:15 when I was through, I took a picture of the clock and I shut my room up…with one light bulb, no fresh air coming in. There was a ceiling fan and one light bulb in there. It is wonderful in here. There is no smell of permanent wave. I didn’t know if it would be quicker, slower, or longer, or however it might take. I am happy to say that I ran my own test and it took all that smell out of there with the permanent wave solution with one light bulb. So, thank you Pure-Light!"

April 5, 2018



Fumes, Skunk and Cooking Smells

"I am so thrilled! I got the 'Pure Light' light-bulbs in this afternoon, finally! About an hour ago I put 6 bulbs in. 1 in the bedroom, 1 in the bathroom, 2 in the hallway and 2 in my laundry room. Coincidentally, I have been doing laundry all afternoon and what a difference, wow!! So glad I got them. I was a bit skeptical, not knowing what to expect, but they are worth every penny! Thanks Diane, for telling me about them!!! It is like the middle of a lovely summer day in here. Fumes leave very quickly. We got skunk scent here for the first time I have been here, and now that smell is gone (it still smells outside though). People's cooking smell in the hallway, which finds its way in here too, that is gone. Well I am impressed!!! And all the other invisible benefits we read about....that is very good! My kitties are looking around happier and my plants, I am sure will love it! These light bulbs are cool to touch, so it will be great in the summer time, since my regular bulbs give out lot of heat and the unhealthy fluorescent or the energy saver / spiral ones are really bad for us, so I do not used those, never did." - Alena, Canada Dissolving iron bacteria in shower “...When I first got the bulbs in, we have well water with high iron content. With that, you get a nice rusty look, especially in my nice, white shower. I noticed within a few hours of using it, it appeared that the nice, rusty color was fading. And within a day, like 97% of it was gone…Literally the staining was disappearing before my eyes, using the light bulbs! I was blown away that it was dissolving the iron bacteria that I just thought was an iron stain on my shower!”

R. Perry January 16, 2018



Pet Odor

"Hello- I would like to provide this testimonial as to the effectiveness of the PURE-LIGHT (PLT) light bulbs. I will preface this by saying the bulbs were first installed while my wife was out of town for a few weeks. The PLT bulbs replaced “normal” LED 9 watt light bulbs and located in a bathroom (where litter boxes are located) and family room (where the dog spends 18 hours per day). We have multiple cats (& one dog) and the resulting background odors associated with pets. The PLT were initially left on overnight for a couple nights and then for 2-3 hours per day. I noticed an immediate reduction of odors overnight and pretty much elimination of odors within one day. My wife returned from her trip and was amazed by the reduction of odors. I had a friend who wanted to try out the PLT bulbs, so I removed my bulbs & installed the normal LED bulbs. My wife walked into the house that night (following a 12 hour shift at the hospital) and immediately asked where “her” PLT bulbs were and “asked” me to re-install immediately. That was proof enough for me as to the effectiveness of the PLT technology." -Troy, Ohio Burnt pizza “…The pizza story…They had some neighbors that rang the doorbell after they put the pizza in and got side tracked with the neighbors. Next thing they knew, they had the smoke rolling out of the stove and the neighbors and them just sat there, and watched the smoke go right into the lights. They said it was kind of interesting… We’ve seen the smoke and it just dissipates.” January 28. 2017 Hurricane mold "In that last big hurricane here, surely I didn't even notice until I replaced these light bulbs. Immediately, I saw the difference in the lighting they exude. In addition, I looked up and saw a mold spot, not large, about the size of a quarter on the exterior on one of the vents in the front room which I don't go into too often. I left the light bulb on the first day and second day.. From a quarter size mold that I didn't even know was there, it's down to the size of a pin. Unless I told someone it's there and they looked, it's on the very edge of the vent. Also a friend of mine, his daughter has seen a significat difference with her allergies, I am totally impressed."

-Joann December 28, 2017



"I am so thrilled with these lightbulbs. I ordered 12 last night through a friend of mine who has seen great results with hers. She allowed me to take 2 home from her order. Upon arriving home I found out my plumbing had backed up and there was a sewer smell throughout my home, primarily in the kitchen. I put a bulb in one of the kitchen sockets and left it on all night. When I awoke this morning and went into the kitchen, there was no more stench! I was so impressed I called and increased my order to 18 bulbs so, I can gift some and put them throughout my home. I am so grateful for this new technology."

- Hope H., California

Deeper Breathing; Brought Plants Back to Life

“I just got my bulbs yesterday so, first experience. I noticed, I am in Colorado so, I didn’t get them until later in the day, it definitely felt like bright daylight and I did feel happier. The other thing I noticed, I would spontaneously breathe deeper… I had two plants that were pretty much gone, I had forgotten to water them for over two and a half weeks so, they were very wilted. I just literally sat here and watched over 4-6 hours, I didn’t water them, I was curious to see what the light would do… they literally came up as if I watered them. They came up and were alive over just hours, so it’s quite amazing!”

March 6, 2018


Allergen Relief and Wood Smoke

"Hi! We got bulbs in the 5th of January this year. We put them throughout the house and for years, probably 15-18 years, we've had these big air purifiers that do use ultra-violet light and ozone. You're supposed to leave the home when you use ozone, and they are in our main living area which is large area. They are also in the basement and we run them 24/7 and they will do up to 3,000 square feet each. We have used them for many, many years 24/7. We got the bulbs and put them in, just a few days my wife and I noticed the air was fresher. In two weeks, one evening we sat here in the living room and my wife said she couldn’t believe that she was breathing better than she had in years! She has been sensitive to allergens and those types of things. The biggest thing is that we have large living area, 30x30, big ceilings and we burn an air type stove and have for 20 years, a wood stove... We have a large, cloth, sectional, and my wife has been asking me for a year to get rid of the stinking sectional. They are expensive and haven’t moved on it yet... After two months, she did the sniff test on the couch and told me that she couldn’t believe it, there wasn’t a trace of wood stove smoke smell... We burn wood up until the last two weeks. It is amazing to see what this product does and saves us about $3,000. We are excited and told a ton of people about it. We love the bulb, we have about15-18... The kitchen, bathroom is on 24/7, the basement we went down there 2-3 weeks after we put the bulbs in and noticed a difference... We are more than happy."

- Tim, Ohio. May 22nd, 2018



Rat Urine

“This is Linda, we bought a house about 4 years ago. We have a couple of closets that reek with rat urine… we put the lights in the closet and there is no smell. Gone!”

-Linda January 9,2018



Chicken Egg Laying

"I just want to share a little testimonial with you today. Some may call me a crazy chicken lady and I am fine with that!! We received our bulbs a couple of weeks ago and immediately put some to work in our home. I have 18 laying hens that I spoil and love. They provide us with more eggs then we can use so we share with family and friends. Manitoba winters are very cold and there are days that my hens cannot go out due to -35 and colder temperatures. My hens tend to lay less eggs during the winter due to being inside the coop. The coop also tends to get a little stinky due to minimal fresh air that goes in during these cold days. I thought I would try a bulb in my coop to see if I would notice a difference with my girls. During summer months I have 95-100% productivity, winter months less than 50%. Well let me tell you by changing the light bulb I had in my coop with a Pure-Light I am seeing 80% production within just a couple of days and the bonus is my coop is less smelly after a couple weeks! My girls are happy, and we are getting more, stronger shelled eggs!! We all love our Pure-light!!" - M. Courcelles February 6th, 2018. Dissipated smoke "I received mine yesterday, I put them up last night. Unfortunately, they are at an angle because I had to take the covers off of my lights...I am a smoker and I've got two dogs. Would you believe me, within about 4 hours there was no more smell in the house?... In front of my computer here, I purposely put the cigarette next to the light bulb and I am seeing that smoke dissipate. It's unbelievable!"

-Richard, Canada December 27, 2018



Musty office, Better Sleep

“Part of my house is built on a grade…It’s where my office is…I have always had a bit of a musty smell in there. I put one of those goose necks over my computer space…I put one bulb in... I keep it burning for probably 12-16 hours a day. Slowly but surely it has worked and taken away that musty smell, it’s hardly noticeable now. I also burn one for several hours in the bedroom before I go to bed…It certainly has helped me sleep better. So, just can’t thank all of you folks enough for all that you do. Thank you very much!”

Wendell, Canada May 22, 2018



No green thumb

"I simply love the lights. When we received our light bulbs in November some of my house plants were dying. Since I'm not a green thumb, I was excited when within a week, of replacing our lights, my plants come alive again. I have a small tropical tree I keep inside the house. Before the lights it would lose its leaves and looked sickly. Now with the lights it's a new tree. I think the tree is excited to be alive! I also enjoy sitting under the lights. They seem to bring an uplifting feeling!"

August 23, 2018

Finally Able to Enjoy a Christmas Tree

"Having allergies and asthma for decades, I know my asthma triggers like clockwork and one of my issues is with mold. I was unable to enjoy a live Christmas tree for decades as it was one of my worst triggers. The moment I am in same room with live tree, I start to wheeze and sneeze. So, I was going to put Pure-Light to the test. I bought a beautiful live tree and before we even got tree decorated, I couldn't breathe. Installed Pure-Light and was amazed, my wheezing stopped in less than 30 minutes! I sit right next to tree and as long as light is on, I have no issues with my Asthma. As a skeptic, I would switch the light on and off a dozen times and each time was the same, in less than 30 minutes I would go from wheezing and sneezing to relief over and over again. Needless to say, when you can prove it to yourself over and over with a flick of a switch, I am a believer now! Thank you Pure-Light, can't wait for your other products and commercial applications. -M Sullivan January 25, 2018 Cigarette smoke in the house and hotels “My wife and I have a bad habit of smoking of course but, we don’t smoke anywhere in our house but in our office. That’s the only place we smoke. We have an exhaust fan in that room also. So, when we do smoke, we suck all of the smoke out and it still smells good, right? Wrong! It still smells like cigarettes. We will wash the walls down with ammonia…to get the smell out of there but, the smell is still there. So, we get the bulbs…leaves them on overnight, she comes back in 18 hours later and the cigarette smoke is completely gone. So, they work…you know how hard it is to get cigarette smoke out of anything…I travel a lot…when I go into a room where they allow you to smoke, of course, it smells. So, I am changing out the light bulbs…when I come back, I am sure the room is going to smell even better.”

January 23, 2018


Breathing better with COPD

"Pure-Light is awesome because of the fact that we got a cold and recovered in half the time! We've had a smoker in the basement for 5 years and the light, within 3 to 5 days..... all the smoke is gone! Plus, she has COPD, said she is breathing better and has more energy! WOW! I will be joining soon this week." -R Kolody March 25, 2018 Happy tenent, no funky cabinet "No more funky cabinets! I have really old kitchen cabinets that my landlord won't replace. I've tried everything to get the musty smell out, especially under the sink. Nothing has worked. So, I tried the Pure-Light bulbs. I figured what have I got to lose? I put them in my pole lamp and put it in the kitchen. Left the lights on for about 5 hours one afternoon and a few hours the next day. Musty smell completely GONE! I kept sniffing and sniffing. Nada! Zilch! Odor Gone!" -J Caruso March 21, 2018 Fresher bathroom and mobile home air "I am so excited because I have been gone for three weeks…I put a light in my downstairs bedroom and master bathroom. When I opened the door, the air was so clean and fresh in my bathroom. In another bathroom… I put Clorox in my toilets before I leave…that was just a testimonial to me that the light was working in my bathroom…I immediately grabbed one of my extra lamps… It’s in this extra bathroom now and I suspect that by tomorrow, the horrible Clorox smell will be gone…I got to be in a little mobile home and took my little lamps…it was so nice to know that I was breathing pure, fresh air…"

January 2, 2018


Hot wax smoke, cat allergies

"I have had a cough for a long time especially if I was in the basement for several hours and sometimes I also got headaches. When we got the bulbs and left them on 24-7 in the basement only after a couple of days, I no longer smelled the mold and no longer got headaches or a cough. My husband was diagnosed with COPD and had to use inhalers but now with the bulbs he very rarely has to use the inhalers.  One day my husband was melting wax, as he is a candle maker. He got the wax to hot and it smoked up the basement but with the bulbs with in a half hour the smoke and smell was gone.  We have a cat and a lady who is allergic to cats. She stayed over night and didn't have a reaction to the cat like she had after being around cats in other people's home.​"

-L Anderson August 27, 2018

Burnt dinner

"I was frying potatoes and went downstairs forgetting about them. When I came up the stairs I could smell the burnt potatoes. I remembered someone telling us about burnt pizza. Since they were already burnt, I turned up the heat so I could really test these lights for myself. I took the lid off the pan to let all the smoke out. I stood there watching the smoke go right up to the lights and the smell going away. I was amazed! I think everyone should try it - it really made me a believer. When my husband got home he had no idea I had burnt dinner!"

-B Crookston August 23, 2018

White, dusty powder on Ozone machine

"I have a machine air purifier that costs over $500.00 and have had it for 15 years. It uses Ozone and ionization and the machine uses high voltage on a plate that produces the Ozone. We have two cats and a dog and our home does not smell but due to the cats using the litter box, we get white, dusty powder on the plates, also on the machine after 30 days. I installed a bulb where the machine is at, for the last three weeks, I have not seen any white crust or anything on the machine!"

-R Cotton June 12, 2018


Funeral plants and smoke odor

"We, as Roger knows, went over to his office and we picked up some light bulbs when we first saw the article in the paper. We have had them in our house for quite a while… the neat thing is, we walk through our house… and it smells the same. We go into our basement where we had really bad odors and some fungus. It cleared that up. The other night, Rilla had tested the smoke thing. She forgot about something in the oven, we had smoke rolling out the kitchen…it seemed like it wasn’t traveling to our family or living room. I immediately came into the kitchen… moved the covers back… our smoke alarm went off…within an hour it had cleared up the smoke and we left them on all night. The next morning there wasn’t a trace of smell anywhere…They are marvelous!... We had some funeral plants and they started to take off, they were dying and they took off…Our homes are the most polluted place we ever dwell…So, these lights are amazing!"



Forest fires

"This Is Justin, I am in Spokane, Washington which is the eastern side of Washington. Our air quality is about 187-225. It was kind of getting better this week and then today it got worse again. My experience is in a farm house that I live in. I have 3 lights in the basement and it got rid of the smoke in about an hour, from the house."

-Justin, Spokane August 23, 2018

Bathroom smells like heaven

“I needed to put a new stopper in my toilet tank. So, I took the top of the tank off… I just left the light on. Two days later, everything inside the tank was like clean, and the top of the tank was clean. I had to take a double look at it and that bathroom smells like heaven. It was really something!”

March 8, 2018

Old closet

“I’m speaking on behalf of my sister… She got her bulbs and put a bulb in a closet that had still the old, original carpeting in it and there were shoes and stuff. She said it was always awful… She put the light on and left it on all night. The next morning, today, she checked it and she said, ‘Whoa, I could go in that closet now’.”

January 18. 2018



Breathing pure, clean, fresh air

“I was told about this awesome technology. I haven’t read anything, I put my faith in what I hear…The opportunity to have such an awesome technology around me, just intrigued my imagination…It didn’t take me but a few minutes to say, ‘I am in, I want the bulbs, can I get them today’… My main reason for getting the bulbs, all of us know… the danger of in-house air. It’s stale, full of bacteria and other migrants that come and take a seat. We can’t see them…To breathe pure, clean, fresh air…That’s my story…I’m sticking to it!”

-C.D. January 18, 2018



Stinky dog, poinsettias, old folk smelling house

“My testimony is simply, they work! I have a stinky dog, in the main floor bathroom. When I have to let him out every day, I almost die. I put the 4 bulbs in, within 24 hours, I could tolerate it. Then, when I turn the lights on in the morning, I went back 20 minutes later nothing! No smell! So, I freaked out and I put my poinsettias…came back the next day and they looked brand new out of the store… My kids… say our house smells like old people house… I put bulbs in the hallway…my kids came last week and said the house smells great…”

-Allie Knell January 11, 2018



Unwanted cigarette smoke

“We have a young man… he came through the front door and into the kitchen. I asked him when he got into the kitchen if he could smell cigarette smoke. He looked at us and said, ‘you guys smoke?’ We said, ‘yes we do.’ He goes, ‘Well, I don’t smoke, and I don’t smell any cigarette smoke.’ So, the bulbs are working as far as taking the smoke away… Cigarette smoke, it seems like it never goes away. So, it helped out there very much!”
-Herry February 14, 2018


Stinky skunk

“We ended up, somehow, two nights in a row, with a skunk. We live out in the country…The first night, we turned off our lights because we didn’t want any flies or gnats…Well, that skunk did its job. I swear it must have crawled right up to the window and released…We shut the windows and turned on the lights… go back to sleep, it didn’t take long…if the skunk did come back, I don’t know…we gotta leave the lights on…if anything happens, you’re taken care of.”

June 16, 2018